Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Family Bonding: A Cause Of Harmony

Families are basic units of society. They are part of the society because they form a household. Each members of the family plays a specific role. A family is not a family if it’s incomplete.
The Municipality of Dalaguete will celebrate its tri-centennial town fiesta this coming month of February. They have different activities for their annual town fiesta. The Dalaguete Heritage with the support of the local government is choosing for an ideal family.
A family is a basic unit of the society the members stay in one home and because of that a family forms a household. A family has different members and each member plays different roles. The first member of the family is the father; his role is to provide the needs of his family. Next is the mother who is also known as the light of the family, her role is to discipline her children and to make sure that her children and husband is in good condition. The last members are the children, they are the people whom their parents gave their love most and their role is to obey their parents and to love them also. Each members of the family plays different roles and they have different positions.
Families have different classifications. Families are can be classified as good or bad. Good families are the families that were bind because of their love and understanding. They are the families that have harmony and understanding to every member. They are also the families that contain the supporting members when it comes to the decisions of each fellow member. The classification of the family only states the relationship to each other. Pardo family belongs to the good classification of family.
Pardo family is a good and harmonious family. The members of the family understand with each other. They love each other and they bond together. Love serves their strength it is the reason why they are still together through the years.
The father of the family is Mr. Joseph Pardo he is a strict and an industrious father. He works hard to provide the needs of his family. He is a successful teacher and he is now teaching at the University of Cebu. He is strict when it comes to the relationships of her children to peer and he does not want his children to have special relationships. His different values assisted him in acquiring his success in life.
The mother of the family is Mrs. Rossanna Pardo she is a caring mother. She is a light that truly guides. She is always checking the conditions of her children and husband. Whenever one of the members would get sick, she would immediately consults a doctor and would buy a medicine. She always tells her children not to do bad because it might add dirt to their image. Mrs. Rossanna Pardo is a doctor-like mother and brings the rule of teaching in her family.
The children of the family are Hanna, Jane and Zerge they have different values. Hanna a college student is an intelligent and caring sister she studies hard and she was the first honor in their class. Jane on the other hand is a wise spender whenever she has a free time, she helps her mother in doing tasks and aside from being a wise spender, she is friendly. Zerge is a high school student he is now in the seminary maybe he is destined to be a servant of God he is an obedient son and he always make her sisters happy. Children in the family come from the same stem but they don’t have the same values.
Family bonding leads to the harmony of the family. A family that bonds together has harmony. Harmony is the one that binds the heart, soul and mind together. A harmonious family is a good family because it strengthens the power that keeps the relationships of the members lasts long. The support of the family members to each other is also caused by harmony that was created by bonding. Family bonding is truly the cause of the harmony in the family.

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