Sunday, October 9, 2011


    One of the precious gift of God to us is life. Life is what encourages us thank God everyday for this precious gift.God trusted us and He gave us the authority to be the author of His gift, our life. We are the author of our own lives so, we could do what we want and that's the best part of it.Life is made up of happiness,sadness and challenges that we have to search for and that's what makes it as precious.

    Life is not just happiness but it has challenges and it comes with purposes. Challenges are God-given tests to make us stronger and more courageous. It makes us braver,better persons and it increases our self-esteem when we are able to conquer and overcome it successfully. It would never stop testing us because it is a part of life and it would be greater to make  us more courageous and braver than before. Life indeed is paired with challenges which comes with purposes.

   One of the challenges in life is temptation. Temptations are part of the challenges in a life of an every individual. Temptations are for everyone who seeks success,victory and happiness because it tests us on how determined we are to pursue our goal.Temptations are hindrances,obstacles and barriers towards success. It is considered as a common challenge to mostr of us because it is everywhere and it may come anytime.

   Temptations are everywhere and comes anytime. They are part of our day-to-day activities. Overcoming temptations has ways; first is discernment, it is all about thinking and second is decision-making it is all bout making decisions. These two ways are the key to overcome temptation. Temptations are present anytime, anywhere but we can overcome it successfully through particular ways.

   There are ways to overcome temptation. It depends to ourselves if we would give in to it or we would find ways to conquer or to counteract to prevent committing sin. Temptation is a dark pathway for us people to commit sin. THE ONLY WAY TO OVERCOME TEMPTATION IS PRAYER!!!


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